Monthly Archives: April 2022

  • Find a High Power Handheld Cell Phone Signal Jammer

    If you’re in the market for a High Power handeld Cell Phone signal jammer, you’ve come to the right place. With so many cell phone users in the workplace, you need to protect yourself. It’s important to get rid of distracting phone calls to stay focused on the task at hand. Cell phones can be …

  • Can a GPS Jammer Prevent Your Location?

    Can a GPS jammer prevent Your location? Yes, it can. These devices are small and easily installed, and they take about a minute to power on. They can be easily concealed. Installing a GPS blocker is illegal under federal law, and you may be fined or even imprisoned for doing so. These devices are widely …

  • Solutions For Campus Cell Phone Signal Jammers

    If you are concerned about the safety of your students at school, a good solution is to install campus cell phone signal jammers. Such devices are easy to use and can be switched on and off with the push of a button. Once activated, the jammer will block the signals and keep students from ringing …

  • The Many Uses of a Cell Phone Jammer

    A portable cell phone jammer is a great device to use when you need to keep cell phones out of a room. These devices block all cellular signals from all phones in a certain frequency band. Most of the time, the CTIA does not ban passive jamming, but they will likely regulate the use of …

  • How did signal interference occur?

    The frequency band is uplink interference and downstream interference. Uplink interference refers to interference from the interference signal in the uplink frequency band. It also includes interference from external radio frequency interference sources to the base station. The coverage of the base station will be affected by uplink interference. The base station will be able …

  • The mobile phone signal jammer field

    Personal mobile communication has made it easier to communicate with others. However, this has harmed prisons and detention centers. The management and security of prisons and detention centers will be significantly affected if the phone is illegally brought into the prison. A natural and effective mobile phone shielding system could provide strong technological and scientific …

  • What anti-eavesdropping equipment should you use in private meeting rooms?

    Today, anti-corruption campaigns are becoming more common in many places. Many officials have dismounted from these actions, which has led to a situation that requires the Disciplinary Inspection Commission (DIC) to perform secret investigations. The Disciplinary Inspection Commission will continue collecting evidence and arranging staff to conduct studies after the action has been taken. It …

  • What’s the difference between civilian and military jammers?

    A civilian signal jammer is designed for non-military use. It can be used for both personal and business applications. A military jammer is used for military applications. They differ in the area, scope, and building structure they use. The prison must shield its surrounding environment (distance from other buildings and structures) to be used in …

  • What is a GPS Blocker?

    Every satellite sends signals. However, GPS devices rely on information from satellites closest to you to pinpoint your location. GPS devices can track a device’s location in real-time using signals from multiple satellites. Using calculations and information derived from the signs, GPS can triangulate and determine your exact location within 7 meters 90% times. These …

  • MUst know 7 reasons to invest in jammer

    While criminals have been able to abuse GPS trackers to disrupt law enforcement and government missions, cell phone jammers can also be used for your security. If you experience any of the following conditions or concerns, you should consider the benefits of GPS jammers. These 7 reasons will remind you of the benefits of GPS jammers and …

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