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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget tincidunt quam. Phasellus ultricies ultrices bibendum.

Aenean vitae porta nisl, nec feugiat neque. Maecenas luctus magna eu elit dapibus, a porttitor lacus euismod.


We also support credit cards and various wallets. You need to contact us to ask for your account number.

We advise Western Union / Bank to bank transfer first

The following is the process you should take to complete your order through bank to bank transfer:
1. Please go to your bank (through online banking, ATM or going into a branch) and complete the transfer of money. Make sure that the amount you transfer is the exact total of your order. Payment details below:
PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying to our Bank, you MUST include the Unique Payment Reference Number (you will receive this directly after paying the order) in the description section when completing payment to help us identify your order. 
– If your bank is located in a country not listed above you will pay to our HSBC account. The details are below:

Bank Account:
Bank Code:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying in this way you MUST write your Your name order number in the description section when paying so we can easily recognize your payment. 
2. When this is done, log in to your Yourname ‘My Account’ and complete the following:
Click ‘Order list’
Click ‘Pay’
Click ‘Complete Payment’ and fill in the related information for verification (This is an important step. If the information you have filled in does not match your bank details the payment can not be completed.)
Click ‘Submit’ to finish the procedure.
3. You will receive a payment confirmation email from us after your order’s payment has gone through successfully. If you do not receive this email, 
please contact us here: And
Please note that Yourname or company will begin to handle your items after payment has been cleared.

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