16 Channels All in One Desktop WiFi GPS RF Signal Jammer, This special equipment is used to block the WiFi/Cellular phone signals in a large area to make it difficult for cellphone spying,also provides you a good place to relax at home with your family,the best choice for you.
16 Channels All in One Desktop WiFi GPS RF Signal Jammer
★Total output power: 42 W.
★The latest design and Good cooling system with 5 cooling fans inside.
★Jamming range: up to 40-70 m,@-75DBM the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area.(15 M for VHF/ UHF/315/433/868)
★Use stronger and longer External Omni-directional antennas,all the TX frequency covered down link only
★Power supply: AC 100 to 240V DC 12V IN.
★Could be used in car directly,With DC12V car charger.
★Work non-stopped, Can work 24 hours * 7 days * 12 month.
★Can adjust or turn off any single band without influencing the other bands operation.
Working frequency:
1.CDMA 800:850-894MHz
2.GSM 900:925-960MHz
3.PCS&DCS: 1805-1990MHz
4.3G :2110-2170MHz
5.4GLTE:725-770MHz or 790-826MHz
6.4GWimax:2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz
11.5G1:3400-3600MHz or America 617-630MHz
12.5G2:3600-3800MHz or America 630-652MHz
13.Lojack:167-175 MHZ
16.RF868:868 MHZ
Output Power:42W Power supply: AC 110V/220V and 12V cable to car battery
Size:395x 238x 60 mm(not Include Antenna) Product Weight:7.0kg
Shielding Radius:40-70meters @-75DBM (depends on the signal strength in the given area)
Working Time:Work non-stopped, Can work 24 hours * 7 days * 12 month
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